No Worries All Legal

Are XCell Stealth Phones legal?

Undoubtedly, there are no legal or technical restrictions on the use of XCell Stealth Phones within the EU or anywhere in the world. In fact, there have been no legal problems for exports, even for non-democratic regimes, nor for our buyers using XCell Stealth Phones. Here’s why:

Since the user can restore the original IMEI at any time, there are no legal problems. This is the real reason why we allow the user to restore the original IMEI.

Changing the IMEI of a stolen phone forever (without the ability to recover the original IMEI) is different from a legal perspective, a thing that is considered illegal in several countries (which also use an IMEI ban for stolen phones), but this is not the case.
XCell Stealth Phones are used around the globe without legal problems, mainly by law enforcement and government agencies but also by politicians, lawyers and high-ranking people who cannot take legal risks.

You can buy any XCell Stealth Phone and use it without legal issues.

A special note for Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates: You need license documents to import a mobile phone from another country, no matter which mobile phone you import. This regulation applies to any mobile phone you wish to import.