Revolte attack
This attack allows an attacker to break the encryption of VoLTE voice calls and spy on the calls being targeted. Read the full article
2025 has been here for a while now, and it’s not just another year—it’s a fresh chapter for leveling up your infosec knowledge—and, needless to say, for launching a new family of products: ZERO IMEI Stealth Phones. The next big things are here: XStealth ULTRA ZERO, XStealth PRO Dominator ZERO, and XStealth PRO Tactical ZERO.
What do you expect from a Super-Stealth Phone? No comprimises, right? After all, it’s about mobile security and privacy. Well, with the new ZERO IMEI Stealth Phones, you’ve got everything—privacy and security—the best of both worlds.
The ZERO IMEI Stealth Phones family preserves the ULTRA and PRO special functions, coming with a new feature: ZERO IMEI.
ZERO IMEI Stealth Phones are delivered with nulled IMEIs (format 000000000000000). From an IMSI Catcher point of view, XStealth ZERO will look just like yet another hundred (or even thousand, depending on the country you use the phone in) cell phones within the area that are using a generic IMEI (some unlocked phones and most of the fake/China-made phones). The benefits come from how an IMSI Catcher treats a nulled IMEI cell phone: as an error, in the same way a mobile network considers it. Since no network connection is available when using nulled IMEI, IMSI Catchers will skip this IMEI format, considering it an error, too.
How do ZERO IMEI Stealth Phones manage to connect to a mobile network? Every IMEI number allotted to any cell phone complies with the mobile communication standards, which is 3GPP TS 22.016 and equivalent. Nulled IMEIs do not comply with these standards, and the mobile network rejects regular cell phones that have nulled IMEIs. XStealth ZERO exploits a loophole in a network function called “auto-provisioning,” which makes phone calls, SMSs, and data connection possible with a nulled IMEI cell phone.
ZERO IMEI Stealth Phones can control the IMEI changes (after every phone call or SMS, on network/IMSI Catcher request, etc.) and generate custom IMEIs, performing different protection scenarios.
ZERO IMEI Stealth Phones family consists of 3 separate models:
1. XStealth ULTRA ZERO, based on Samsung Galaxy cell phones and other donor phones such as Nothing Phone, Motorola, etc.
2. XStealth PRO Dominator ZERO, based on the same custom-made hardware as XStealth PRO Dominator.
3. XStealth PRO Tactical ZERO, based on the same custom-made hardware as XStealth PRO Tactical.
1. XStealth ULTRA ZERO has the same special functions as the ULTRA version + ZERO IMEI feature. Basically, it’s an XStealth ULTRA with nulled IMEIs.
2. XStealth PRO Dominator ZERO has the same special functions as PRO + nulled IMEIs. Unlike ULTRA ZERO versions, nulled IMEIs (000000000000000) show up as original IMEIs when dialing *#06# and also when checking the phone IMEIs on the About phone section. Original 000000000000000 IMEIs can be changed to any other valid IMEIs (via *#*#8688#*#*) but cannot be reversed to nulled IMEIs (the user cannot write nulled IMEIs).
3. XStealth PRO Tactical ZERO. The same as above.
XStealth ULTRA ZERO | Retail Price |
Samsung Galaxy A35 | 4500 € |
Samsung Galaxy A55 | 4500 € |
Samsung Galaxy S22 | 4600 € |
Samsung Galaxy S23 | 4800 € |
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra | 4900 € |
Samsung Galaxy S24 | 4900 € |
Samsung Galaxy S24+ | 5200 € |
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra | 5500 € |
XStealth PRO ZERO | Retail Price |
XStealth PRO Tactical ZERO | 2900 € |
XStealth PRO Dominator ZERO | 3200 € |
XStealth ULTRA ZERO is now available for ordering.
XStealth PRO ZERO (both Dominator and Tactical versions) are available for ordering from 6th February 2025.
You can place your order as usual through our website, as well as via email or our live chat support.
We support the following payment methods:
New: We now support anonymous crypto payments. No KYC procedures. No wallet connection required. No third-party platform registration. Simply choose Crypto at checkout and send your payment to our wallet address.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@anti-interception.com
Thank you,
This attack allows an attacker to break the encryption of VoLTE voice calls and spy on the calls being targeted. Read the full article
The first 4G stealth phone with an unprecedented feature: XTerminator which allow OTA attacks against IMSI Catchers. Read more
Government officials in the US are using location data from millions of mobile phones to better understand the movements of Americans during the coronavirus pandemic and its potential impact on the spread of the disease.